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Sep 9, 2015

Jeb Bush on Late Show with Stephen Colbert while Donald Trump continues trolling  

  • Jeb Bush was Stephen Colbert's first political guest on the new 'Late Show with Stephen Colbert' 
  • The Republican hopeful promised to make things more civil in Washington
  • Bush didn't do any Trump bashing, even though Trump put out a new ad hours before that suggested Jeb was boring  
Jeb Bush became Stephen Colbert's first political guest on the brand new 'Late Show' and used the appearance to promise civility — just hours after Donald Trump hit Bush again for being so boring he puts people to sleep. 
'We have to restore a degree of civility,' Bush said. 
When Colbert, who told Bush he 'used to play a narcissistic conservative pundit' but now was 'just a narcissist,' didn't think it could be done, Bush even sort of complimented President Obama.
Jeb Bush became Stephen Colbert's first political guest on the debut episode of 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert'  
Jeb Bush tweeted this photo with comedian Stephen Colbert shortly before they filmed the interview on Tuesday afternoon 
Jeb Bush tweeted this photo with comedian Stephen Colbert shortly before they filmed the interview
on Tuesday afternoon 
'I'm going to say something that's heretic, I guess — I don't think Barack Obama has bad motives, I just think he's wrong on a lot of issues,' Jeb said to a mixed reaction from the audience. 
'Oh you're so close to getting them to clap. You were so close, you were this close,' Colbert said. 'You gotta pause, you gotta pause until they clap and hit them with what they don't want to hear.'  
To liven up the interview, the comedian asked a couple of personal questions, including why Bush's logo contained an exclamation mark. 
'Why the JEB!' Colbert asked.  
'I've been using "Jeb!" since 1994,' Bush replied. 'It connotes excitement.'  
Colbert also asked if Barbara Bush, the candidate's mom, had been serious when she said there had been enough Bushes and Clintons in the White House.
 'She was just joking,' the candidate promised.  
Jeb Bush gets the celebrity treatment as he leaves the debut taping of the 'Late Show with Stephen Colbert'
Jeb Bush gets the celebrity treatment as he leaves the debut taping of the 'Late Show with Stephen Colbert'
While Tuesday marked Colbert's first show, this wasn't Bush's first late-night rodeo.
In June, shortly after announcing his presidential ambitions, Bush made an appearance on 'The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon' and slow-jammed the news. 
'The governor thought long and hard about joining the GOP race after months of being a total "caucus tease,"' Fallon said. 'Jeb finally made up his mind and quit beating around the Bush.' 
Fallon's lines were filled with sexual innuendo, while Bush talked about cutting taxes, looking forward to hitting the campaign trail and the issue of immigration. 
'Well Jimmy, we're a nation of immigrants and I believe everyone should have the chance to achieve the American dream -- and to translate that to all your Spanish speaking viewers,' Bush said before showing off his bilingual language skills. 
'I know you just got back from Miami, but I didn't know I was interviewing Gov. Pitbull,' Fallon said. 
Cut to recent weeks and Donald Trump has been winning the pop culture primary, simply because of who he is, and has eclipsed Bush in the presidential race.  
Trump's line of attack is exactly the kind that a solid late-night show appearance could counter. He has called the former Florida governor 'sad' and 'low-energy.'
Jeb Bush slow-jammed the news with Jimmy Fallon in June, shortly after announcing that he was running for the Republican nomination  
Jeb Bush slow-jammed the news with Jimmy Fallon in June, shortly after announcing that he was running for the Republican nomination  
On Tuesday, just hours before Bush's Colbert taping, Trump put out a new attack ad on Instagram mocking Bush for putting a supporter to sleep at a recent rally. 
'Having trouble sleeping at night? Too much energy? Need some low energy?' the ad blasted. 'Jeb: For all your sleeping needs.' 
Trump also got plenty of play on Colbert's show.
'As many of you know, Gov. Bush was the governor of Florida for eight years, so you would think that much exposure to oranges and crazy people would have prepared him for Donald Trump,' Colbert joked before Bush arrived.
The 'Late Show' host also did a bit on how addictive Donald Trump news stories are. 
'And even though I have Jeb Bush on the show later tonight, I promise you, just like the rest of the media, I will be covering all the presidential candidates -- who are Donald Trump,' Colbert said. 
On the show, Colbert compared Trump stories to Oreo cookies.  
The Donald had sworn off the sweets, saying that Nabisco, the makers of the cookie, had made him mad by moving a plant to Mexico. 
Colbert tried to eat just one. 
'One is enough, that is the only Trump story I'll be treating myself to tonight,' Colbert said. 'Well, maybe just one more.' 
By the end of the skit, Colbert was covered in chocolate.

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