- Girl, 15, was visiting a friend at a house in Gaffney, South Carolina
- Took the shocking picture and then posted it on social media
- It circulated online and was eventually seen by the baby's parents
- Neighbors said a day care was being run out of the house
- However local authorities have said it did not have a state license
A teenage girl has prompted outrage after she shoved her toes in a seven-month-old baby's mouth, took a picture and then shared it on Snapchat.
Social services are investigating after a 15-year-old girl took the shocking snap while visiting a house in Gaffney, South Carolina, which was allegedly running an illegal day care.
She then posted the image on social media, with laughing emoticons at the bottom, prompting outraged parents to share it with their friends in the community.

After spreading quickly online, it grabbed the attention of the baby's parents.
Neighbors have said the family living at the address ran a day care but, according to WSPA, it is not
As a result the local department of social services has been brought in to find out what happened and determine whether the homeowners were running and illicit operation.
South Carolina law dictates the homeowner would need to be regulated if she were to look after more than one unrelated child at a time.
Bridgette Dawkins, who is friends with the mother of the baby in the photo, told the station: 'It's just disgusting really. I never thought somebody would do that to a child.
'Somebody should be apologizing and there should be something done about it.
'It don't need to be pushed under the rug; she needs to be punished.'
The case will now go to the Department of Juvenile Justice, as it involves minors, where a judge will decide if it should go to family court.

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