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Sep 9, 2015

Ganguro fashion is back with Japanese women rocking extreme make up for a Tokyo bar

  • A bar in Tokyo sees girls dressing in old school Ganguro fashion
  • They have deep bronzed tans, brightly coloured hair and long fingernails
  • The extreme subculture was popular in the 1990s but has since faded
  • Guests can pay to get their make up done in a similar way 
  • They can also choose to get photos and view a 'parapara' dance show
While outrageous costumes and far-fetched fashion fads are not new in Japan, a Tokyo cafe is taking visitors back to the 1990s with their 'Ganguro' inspired get-ups.
The Ganguro trend saw women rebelling against 'traditional' Japanese beauty by slapping on layers of colourful make up, deep tans and bold clothing. 
And the staff at Shibuya's Ganguro Cafe and Bar do not disappoint, showcasing their solid commitment to the alternative yet increasingly rare style. 
Ganguro is back: Staff at a Tokyo cafe are dressing in bold colours and painting on layers of outrageous make up inspired by the Ganguro fashion trend which was popular in the nineties 
Ganguro is back: Staff at a Tokyo cafe are dressing in bold colours and painting on layers of outrageous make up inspired by the Ganguro fashion trend which was popular in the nineties
The wilder the better: Multicoloured hair and impractical lengthy fingernails are the norm at the unique cafeThe wilder the better: Multicoloured hair and impractical lengthy fingernails are the norm at the unique cafe
The wilder the better: Multicoloured hair and impractical lengthy fingernails are the norm at the unique cafe 
The 10 ladies can be found behind the bar, many showing off their brightly coloured green, purple and multicoloured hair dos, unique food-inspired nail art and extreme make up looks.
The cafe also offers a range of specialty services, including the opportunity to take photo booth photos with the staff and have their make up done in traditional Ganguro style for 3,900 Japanese Yen ($46.00).
'Come to new tourist spot! We promise you a crazy experience!' The cafe wrote on the website.  
Not just food! Guests can choose to have their make up done in Ganguro style by the staff members 
Not just food! Guests can choose to have their make up done in Ganguro style by the staff members 
'Crazy experience!' The cafe team promise visitors a 'crazy experience' if they visit the Shibuya spot 
'Crazy experience!' The cafe team promise visitors a 'crazy experience' if they visit the Shibuya spot 
Get involved: The make up extra is optional and costs diners 3,900 Japanese Yen  ($46.00)
Get involved: The make up extra is optional and costs diners 3,900 Japanese Yen  ($46.00)
The popular spot is a regular for both Japanese locals and foreigners, with the menus all translated into English. 
On the menu visitors can treat themselves to Ganguro Balls (fried takoyaki style sausage balls in black squid ink batter), octopus balls and dumplings. 
Guests can also choose to drink while the staff perform a 'chug-a-lug shouting of Japenese gyaru style' and view a 'parapara dance show'. 
Reviews of the bar have been mainly positive, with many entertained by the resurgence of the seemingly fading subculture.
'Ganguro Balls': The signature dish is fried takoyaki style sausage balls in black squid ink batter 
'Ganguro Balls': The signature dish is fried takoyaki style sausage balls in black squid ink batter 
'Rare': Guests have shared glowing reviews of the cafe, due to the rare sight of the Ganguro style on the street'Rare': Guests have shared glowing reviews of the cafe, due to the rare sight of the Ganguro style on the street
'Rare': Guests have shared glowing reviews of the cafe, due to the rare sight of the Ganguro style on the street
Activities: Guests can choose to watch a dance or drink with a 'chug-a-lug shouting of Japenese gyaru style
Activities: Guests can choose to watch a dance or drink with a 'chug-a-lug shouting of Japenese gyaru style
'Some people might recognise the "Ganguro" fashion trend from the internet or magazines, but if you expect to see Ganguro hanging around in Shibuya, you are wrong,' one visitor wrote on Trip Advisor. 
'These girls are so rare now - but every single staff at Ganguro Cafe is real, authentic Ganguro!'
'It's a great place to have snacks and drinks and getting to know more about Japanese fashion, style and pop culture,' another said. 
'It's really fun!'

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