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Sep 14, 2015

Men try to explain feminine hygiene products in YouTube video

  • Comical YouTube video created by Dublin-based film maker Facts 
  • Four men are asked to explain how to use tampons, liners and maxi pads 
  • One man concludes by saying he's glad 'I don't menstruate'   

Men are completely in the dark about feminine hygiene products if a new online video is anything to go by. 
Dublin-based filmmaker Facts asked four twenty-something men to explain what winged sanitary pads, pantyliners, tampons and maxi pads are. Thanks to their poor demonstrations and bewildered questions it's clear the group lack a lot of knowledge about menstruation. 
At the end of the experiment, which has attracted more than 380,000 views, one man said periods are 'a lot of hassle' for women - while another added he was 'glad' he doesn't menstruate.
Men are completely in the dark about feminine hygiene products if a new online video is anything to go by
Men are completely in the dark about feminine hygiene products if a new online video is anything to go by,
Dublin-based filmmaker Facts asked four twenty-something men to explain what winged sanitary pads, pantyliners, tampons and maxi pads areThanks to their poor demonstrations and bewildered questions it's clear the group lack a lot of knowledge about menstruation
Dublin-based filmmaker Facts asked four twenty-something men to explain what winged sanitary pads, pantyliners, tampons and maxi pads are
The first product the foursome are tasked with demonstrating is a packet of winged sanitary pads by Always. 
As one man holds up the pink ribbon the packaging is adorned with, he tells the camera: 'I have given Christmas presents that have been more poorly presented than this'.
Another guinea pig also remarked on the presentation saying: 'If men had this situation [menstruation] it wouldn't be called Always it would be like [adopt aggressive voice] "Never let you down!"'
One curly-haired guy appears unsure of what it is he's actually handling, saying: 'You could easily mistake this for a herbal tea bag'.
The first product the foursome are tasked with demonstrating is a packet of winged sanitary pads by Always
The first product the foursome are tasked with demonstrating is a packet of winged sanitary pads by Always
A guinea pig remarked on the presentation saying: 'If men had this situation [menstruation] it wouldn't be called Always it would be like [adopt aggressive voice]
A guinea pig remarked on the presentation saying: 'If men had this situation [menstruation] it wouldn't be called Always it would be like [adopt aggressive voice] "Never let you down!"
One curly-haired guy appears unsure of what it is he's actually handling, saying,'You could easily mistake this for a herbal tea bag'After getting to grips with the pad, the men are then seen trying to insert it into a large pair of floral-patterned briefs
One curly-haired guy appears unsure of what it is he's actually handling, saying ,'You could easily mistake this for a herbal tea bag', pictured left, while another tries to insert the pad into a pair of knickers, right 
After getting to grips with the pad, the men are then seen trying to insert it into a large pair of floral-patterned briefs.  
'Does it stick to your underwear?' asks one clueless guy, 'I thought it was on you?' He is then seen placing the sanitary towel on his chest.  
One joked: 'Like when you're putting your sheets on your bed it's better to do it inside out and then flip around. Am I right?'
Another baffled man concludes: 'This is a skill I don't think I'll ever have to use'
Next up, the men have to get their heads around Bodyform So Slim pantyliners
Next up, the men have to get their heads around Bodyform So Slim pantyliners
After questioning what 'dictates a flow' and why this pad is smaller than the previous one, another man says: 'I reckon you're taking a gamble with this one'
After questioning what 'dictates a flow' and why this pad is smaller than the previous one, another man says: 'I reckon you're taking a gamble with this one'
'Bodyform, it stays in place and stays with you,' says one guy in a voiceover accent as he reads from the back of the packetHis thoughts are echoed by an inquisitive guy who says: 'I'm guessing these are kind of just safety precautions?'
'Bodyform, it stays in place and stays with you,' says one guy in a voiceover accent as he reads from the back of the packet
One man is seen struggling to open the pantyliner packet as he tries to explain what the product is 
One man is seen struggling to open the pantyliner packet as he tries to explain what the product is 
Next up, the men have to rack their brains around Bodyform So Slim pantyliners.
'Bodyform, it stays in place and stays with you,' says one guy in a voiceover accent as he reads from the back of the packet. 
He quips: 'A lot of husbands can't do that.' 
After questioning what 'dictates a flow' and why this pad is smaller than the previous one, another man says: 'I reckon you're taking a gamble with this one.'
His thoughts are echoed by an inquisitive guy who says: 'I'm guessing these are kind of just safety precautions?'
The product that appears to completely flummox the subjects is a box of Tampax Compak Pearl tampons.
The product that appears to completely flummox the subjects is a box of Tampax Compak Pearl tampons
The product that appears to completely flummox the subjects is a box of Tampax Compak Pearl tampons
After describing the tampon as a 'weird bullet thing' and 'like some sort of shooting mechanism', the men are given a model of the female anatomy
After describing the tampon as a 'weird bullet thing' and 'like some sort of shooting mechanism', the men are given a model of the female anatomy
Another guy who appears more in tune with a woman's body says: 'You leave the string hanging out of you like a party popper'
Another guy who appears more in tune with a woman's body says: 'You leave the string hanging out of you like a party popper'
'I've removed her bladder!' cries one participant, 'Hopefully you don't have to do that in real life'
'I've removed her bladder!' cries one participant, 'Hopefully you don't have to do that in real life'
While handling the product one man says: 'This is the real box of mystery now.'
After describing the tampon as a 'weird bullet thing' and 'like some sort of shooting mechanism', the men are given a model of the female anatomy. 
They are then asked to insert the tampon in the correct place.   
'I've removed her bladder!' cries one. 'Hopefully you don't have to do that in real life.'
Another guy who appears more in tune with a woman's body says: 'You leave the string hanging out of you like a party popper.'
The final feminine hygiene product the men get to grips with is a packet of 'industrial' Tesco maxi pads. 
The final feminine hygiene product the men get to grips with is a packet of 'industrial' Tesco maxi pads
The final feminine hygiene product the men get to grips with is a packet of 'industrial' Tesco maxi pads
One man seems to have stopped taking the experiment seriously and starts turning the pad into a fancy dress outfit
One man seems to have stopped taking the experiment seriously and starts turning the pad into a fancy dress outfit
After the film is complete, the men conclude that they're 'glad' they don't menstruate'This seems massive. This seems unnecessary,' says one extremely perplexed participant
'This seems massive. This seems unnecessary,' says one extremely perplexed participant, pictured right
'This seems massive. This seems unnecessary,' says one extremely perplexed participant. 
Another adds: 'These are expensive as well. That's the worst thing. You have to pay so much money for this s***.' 
One man seems to have stopped taking the experiment seriously and starts turning the pad into a fancy dress outfit: 'This is a full, make your own Teenage Ninja Mutant Hero costume'.
After the film is complete, the men conclude that they're 'glad' they don't menstruate. 
Another, more sympathetic guy added: 'It's a lot of hassle for women to have to go through. Can we not figure out something easier that involves lasers?'

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